China Automotive Systems (CAAS) has posted a couple of strong quarters lately, but the stock price has been inconsistent.
This blog serves as a central collection of global investment trends, spotting the next hot country/sector/trend/market. This blog tries to point the direction and provide excellent investment ideas to fellow investors.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Solar stocks no longer the favorite of the people
Solar stocks have been hit Monday by news that Senate and House Democratic leaders are considering a plan to leave renewable energy out of a pending U.S. energy bill. An alert posted Friday by the Solar Energy Industries Association on its web site says that “there are widespread reports that a decision has been made, at least provisionally, to move energy legislation without a tax title that extends the Solar Investment Tax Credits.”
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Housing Bubble and Real Estate Market Tracker
Here's our summary of articles and data points on the housing market. It's part of Seeking Alpha's coverage of the real estate market and homebuilder stocks. Like all other topics and stock coverage from Seeking Alpha, you can have this sent to your Blackberry or desktop email by signing up for our no-spam free email subscription service.
Two Reasons To Buy Sallie Mae Before Everybody Else Does
Two reasons to buy Sallie Mae ((SLM) $42.86):
Current Dollar Decline Longer, More Severe Than Historical Declines
With the US Dollar index falling even lower today, below we highlight the historical bull and bear markets of the currency.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Comparing Bubbles: China vs. Nasdaq and Homebuilders

On Monday we compared the rises and crashes of the Nasdaq and the Homebuilders during their respective bubbles. A Bespoke reader asked if we could overlay the current rise in China's Shanghai Composite on the chart to see where its bull run currently stands in comparison.
The Nasdaq and Homebuilders rallied for around 2,000 calendar days, while the Shanghai has currently only been in rally mode for 560 days. However, the gains in China of 488% are fast approaching the max gains that the Nasdaq saw of 639% at its peak.
The most interesting data points here are the starting dates of the bubbles. The Homebuilders began their enormous rise on March 14, 2000, just four days after the Nasdaq peaked. Interestingly, the Shanghai started its meteoric rise on July 11, 2005 -- just nine days before the Homebuilders peaked. Investors have seemingly flocked from one bubble to the next.