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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The rally has legs

New record high close for the DOW today! The Christmas rally continues, my portfolio was up over 10% today, what a way to end the year! I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas rally as much as I am.

In the short-term, don't forget about the "January Effect" , statistics has proven that market gain the most in January (due to tax sellers buying back mostly), especially in the small cap/micro cap sector!

Enjoy the rally and happy 2007!

Monday, December 25, 2006

The P/E of countries

Here is a list of P/E of various countries, one thing caught my eye is that China has the highest P/E of all, which confirms that the recent run of Chinese ADR stocks is indeed a bubble. We should see a fall of Chinese stocks before 2008.

Hong Kong 17.580
Thailand 10.624
Brazil 10.942
Korea , Rep. 11.415
China 39.397
Indonesia 12.559
Russia 6.344
Italy 17.866
Malaysia 15.165
Singapore 13.776
USA 17.499
Netherlands 11.926
Taiwan 12.827
Japan 31.606
Germany 15.064
UK 18.711
France 14.518
Mexico 13.889
Canada 16.727
South Africa 11.602
Spain 15.043
Portugal 19.700
Switzerland 15.717

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas

This year, 2006, has been an extremely good year for myself and majority of investors. Looking ahead, 2007, there will be challenges, but the United States economy is very healthy, global economical prosperity will continue, if you thought 2006 was awesome, you haven't seen nothing yet!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

European Airlines: A Gradual Ascent

Due to demand and better oil prices, S&P says the major airlines are coming back from the disruption caused by the August terrorist plots

"European airlines should continue to benefit from rising passenger numbers, generally stable or rising yields, and a moderation in crude-oil prices in recent months to record strong improvement in operating profits in 2006. Credit quality in the sector should continue to gradually strengthen but is unlikely to improve materially given underlying cost pressures."

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Market building momentum

There wasn't much of interest in this slow, tight-range, low-volume snoozefest. The bears were trying to gain an advantage all day but couldn't quite get there, on the other hand, the Bulls are also tired from recently rallies. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get back on track and have a better tape to work with. I believe the bulls are just resting and building up the upward momentum at the moment.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Can't Lose Market

The can't lose market continues to push higher.

This morning's economic data helped relieve fears that the economy was slowing down too quickly and portfolio managers really didn't need much of an excuse to keep pressing. In addition, bottom calling in the housing market enabled that group to keep on rallying.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Today's market analysis

As I said a couple of days ago during the small correction, that the market trend is still very bullish, morning dips are routinely being bought, a clear sign of bull market. Today the bears received a fatal blow from the market makers, the bulls won a critical battle, new high for the S&P500. We are basically all set for the widely expected Christmas rally. Get ready to receive big gifts from Santa Clause.

The New

"Although I enjoy making fun of CNBC as much as most people there is some utility to the network. So it is with the new website launching today, um it is

I think the biggest benefit will actually come from being able to access CNBC Europe and CNBC Asia which most folks cannot do as a function of their cable company or timezone issues. There is video available of different segments from those networks. These segments tend to be four to six minutes long which allow for a real delving in to the guest's process as opposed to maybe two minutes in a segment on CNBC USA. You will also hear more about foreign stocks and markets in these videos." -- Random Roger

The new also has a new stock screener, a very good screener for beginners.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Saturday thoughts: “Boomer Bust?” I Don’t Think So!

"One of the stories that I’m quite frankly getting tired of reading about, even peripherally, is the “boomer bust.” The most recent example comes from Random Roger, who references a Peter Brimelow column, which references a Richard Band newsletter. ARRGHH!!!

The typical “boomer bust” argument is that as boomers retire, funding will shift from growth stocks to income investments, and possibly away from stocks altogether. The typical “no bust” argument is that people are more fit and live longer today, postponing retirement and therefore delaying the bust, or forcing them to keep money at work in growth investments.

I find the longevity issue to be arguable, and I promise to argue it – in a later post – but I also find it to be immaterial.

Think about the distribution of wealth in this country.

The vast majority of invested and invest-able assets are controlled by a tiny percentage of the population – and those folks will keep their money hard at work long past their “retirement age,” possibly through trusts and foundations, possibly just growing it aggressively so that they can die with more toys.

There are the non-fabulously-wealthy in the boomer demographic, who may switch their asset allocation. Or they may not. Many of these “pedestrian wealthy” got that way, not from stock market investing, but from owning transmission shops, rental real estate portfolios, insurance agencies, and convenience stores. Even those with stock market holdings don’t comprise a huge portion of the everyday investment flows, and as Henry points out, the up-and-coming from the BRICs will be more than happy to buy some U.S.-market growth assets from them.

So what about the rest of the boomers, the remaining 80%+ of them? Those boomers who are pitifully unprepared for retirement, of whom more than 25% have saved nothing, and 43% of whom will re-enter the workforce almost as soon as they leave it?

Can you say, “Welcome to Wal-Mart!”?

Because that is what most of the boomers will be saying in their golden years! For them to have some impact in the market, they would have to have some impact in the market, if you know what I mean. Who really gives a monkey’s tookus about their negligible investing flows? When they move their four- or five-digit IRAs from growth funds into dividend or bond funds, will it move the markets?

I don’t buy it. For the boomer bust to happen, there would have to be some large portion of the current investment flow coming from boomers that were going to start living off of their assets, and I don’t see that. Most of the wealth is in the hands of those already living off of their assets and/or businesses, and most of the boomers will be spending their retirement showing you where the lawn equipment is at the Ace Hardware, or checking your receipt as you leave through the Garden Center. The few that do switch asset allocations will be more than compensated for by the foreign inflows of capital from the maturing emerging markets.

“Boomer bust?” I don’t think so!"

--From Bill Rempel

Friday, December 01, 2006

Bullishly Bearish

The month of December is off to a shaky start.

But as I pointed out previously, early day dips are routinely being bought. This is one of the obvious signs of a bullish market.

Chasing Nickels Around Dollar Bills

-- Kirk Report